Bingara Central School

Strive To Succeed

Telephone02 6724 1606

Let's Hang It! Exhibition Finalist

Drawing by Daniel G

We are thrilled to announce that Stage 5 student Daniel G is amongst a group of 60 finalists in the 2024 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize. This is an amazing achievement for Daniel, particularly given that it is his 7th year in a row as a finalist.

In 2024 there were 553 art entries from 46 schools with the selection committee commenting, “there was wonderful expression of creativity and diverse styles represented making the selection process very difficult, given the high standard across all entries”.

Daniel’s artwork will now be subject to judging by a local artist and Director of New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM), Rachael Parsons before being displayed in the gallery.

The opening of the 2024 UNESAP Let’s Hang It! exhibition will be held at 6pm on Friday 26 July 2024 at) in Armidale and the exhibition will be on display until Sunday 11 August 2024.

Congratulations, Daniel.